Are you... leading through disruption?
Are you... launching new initiatives?
Are you... looking to accelerate growth?
We help you create profitable growth.
Are you ready?
We help organizations accelerate sustainable innovation.
Profitable growth through sustainable innovation.
Innovation is meaningless without context. It’s a two-dollar word and is overused. At Imago Consulting, we believe in innovation that drives growth profitably.
You need innovation that is actionable.
Actionable. Disciplined. Repeatable. We help you create profitable growth through sustainable innovation through the following services…
For leaders looking to launch, relaunch, or sustain a specific program or product. If this is you, the review and action plan will provide a roadmap with measurable outcomes - what to strengthen, stop, and start.
A total business review that includes a concrete action plan and roadmap. We’ll focus on what to strengthen, stop, and start to drive profitable growth for your organization.
Personalized guidance, outside wisdom, and a sounding board for senior leaders and their teams. Coaching includes a leadership development review focused on strengths and barriers to profitable growth, innovation, gifting, context, and personal vision.
1- to 2-day seminars for your leadership team, group or offsite. Topics include: Building Recurring Revenue in the Subscription Economy, Creating Remarkable Customer Experiences, and Cultivating Profitable Growth through Sustainable Innovation.
Dave Raley
Consultant, speaker, writer, and founder of Imago Consulting, Dave works with leaders who recognize the importance of innovation as a path to profitable growth. Over two decades, Dave has worked with more than 100 nonprofits, businesses and churches to identify and understand opportunities, develop new strategies and launch new products and initiatives. He’s the co-founder and host of the Purpose & Profit Podcast – a show about the intersection of nonprofit causes and for-profit businesses.
Weekly innovation trends and ideas
Everyone talks about catching and riding the wave of innovation,
but not very many people know when and how to catch those waves, let alone understand the trends, the opportunities, and the waves as they come.
Every Friday, we send out The Wave Report, highlighting one trend or insight “wave,” from donor and consumer trends to innovation in different industries, or new models for growth.
The Wave Report
Weekly insights and trends, sent every Friday.