The Wave Report: Weekly innovation trends and ideas
Encouraging Innovators and the Practice of Celebration 🙌
One of the joys of the role I get to play in the nonprofit sector is to promote and encourage innovation. Every organization, every institution, every product, and every person is on a natural lifecycle that, left unchanged, leads to slowing, plateauing, and decline.
🎙️ Unlocking Subscriptions with Robbie Kellman Baxter
Season 4 of the Purpose & Profit Podcast just premiered, with an episode on a topic near and dear to my heart.
When I first started speaking and writing about the opportunities that nonprofit leaders have to tap into recurring revenue in light of the subscription economy, I came across the work of Robbie Kellman Baxter.
👁 Learning How to Cultivate an Outside Mindset
Expertise has a problem.
I’ve written about it before, so I’ll just summarize it here:
Expertise is often considered a precursor to innovation. Shouldn’t the most innovative ideas come from the people with the most expertise in that field? After all, they have a deep and nuanced understanding of how their field works.
The problem with expertise is that the more expert you or I become in any given domain, the more we accumulate knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. This deep expertise deservedly leads to a high level of confidence. But at the same time, it leads to narrowing one's perspective and being less open to new and fresh (read: unproven and unconventional) approaches.
In other words, if you are holding a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.Excerpt from The Problem with Expertise
How Disney Got its Magic Back ✨
What business are you in?
I’m fascinated by the search for understanding how and why organizations thrive. What drives their economic engine? And what practical insights can we can apply to our leadership?
The more I study organizations and leaders, the more I see that each organization has different natural strengths.
The answer to the question “What business are you in?” is typically answered with something along the lines of “what we do” or “what industry we are in.”
Teaching Innovation and Season 4 of The Purpose & Profit Podcast
This week, I was blessed to give the first two of seven talks I’ll be giving over the next five weeks. My heart is full. 🥹
The first was an opening keynote and innovation workshop for a group of digital nonprofit marketers hosted by Five Q and sponsored by Meta. As a bonus, we got to try the newest Meta Quest 3 VR headsets and my favorite, the Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses.
🏈 On the Super Bowl and Playing Up
I was so frustrated.
We were playing against one of the worst teams in our league. To this day, I don’t even remember the name of the school, they were so small. Mind you, I was from a small high school myself – about 125 kids. But compared to our competition that day, we were a juggernaut – a powerhouse of adolescent athletic prowess.
It was early in the basketball season, and I was playing point guard. We came in confident – it was an easy game against an easy team at the bottom of the league. We expected to blow them out.
We played terribly. Sloppy ball handling. Picked bad shots. Didn’t move the ball well. Turnovers were frequent.
Growing Recurring “Subscription” Giving in 2024
I’m encouraged.
After years of speaking, writing, and waving the flag for the opportunity for recurring giving programs, momentum is building.
The first sustainer program I worked on was 20 years ago. Back then, if your nonprofit wasn’t doing child sponsorship, missionary support, or membership, it was extremely difficult to build a vibrant base of ongoing monthly supporters. The vast majority of nonprofits were left out, unable to tap into the steady, predictable, and renewable source of regular giving.
Then, starting about eight years ago, I noticed how the explosive growth in the subscription economy was transforming donor behavior. Donors were increasingly willing to give to causes on a recurring basis, causes that would not have historically seen significant sustainer giving.
🎙️How Good Gets Done in the World + Lessons on Executive Leadership
Have you listened to the Purpose & Profit Podcast?
If you are new here, I co-host a show called the Purpose & Profit Podcast, where we interview business and nonprofit leaders to explore the ideas at the intersection of causes and brands.
We’re closing in on the end of Season 3, so today, I want to point you to two recent episodes. The first provides insights into executive leadership from over 5,000 executives, and the second concludes with how positive change happens and how good gets done in the world.
12 Ways to Leverage AI in 2024, Part 2
In Part 1 of this Wave Report, we began to answer the question, “How does one actually use AI?” AI, like the internet, is not one thing. It’s a collection of tools and technologies that can impact nearly every area of our leadership and lives.
Based on hundreds of hours of research, speaking on, helping others, and my own experimentation, I’ve condensed 12 Ways to Leverage AI in 2024.
Part 1 of this Wave Report examined the first six ways to use AI effectively. Today, we’ll explore the final six.
12 Ways to Leverage AI in 2024 (Part 1)
In my 8 Trends to LEVERAGE in 2024 post, the number one trend I called out for leaders to put to good use in 2024 was Artificial Intelligence.
Trend to Leverage #1
AI will reach the peak of the hype cycle in 2024, leading to both disappointment and the emergence of more productive and effective uses of AI.
But how does one actually use AI?
8 Trends to LEVERAGE in 2024
I’ve been thinking about predictions lately.
Each January sees a deluge of predictions for the coming year, but I noticed an interesting shift this past January 2023. Last January, the “predictions lists” were full of uncertainty. After all, “no one can know the future for certain” was the common refrain.
I think coming out of the pandemic made a lot of leaders hesitant.
But I don’t think the value of predictions is in their accuracy.
The Power of Vision in the New Year
January used to be a black hole. A foggy void. A blank spot. A blur.
Coming off of the busyness of the holidays and year-end, it was a welcome break.
But for most of my life, January simply slipped by. Little to nothing of significance was accomplished as I slowly turned my attention to the year to come. It typically wasn’t until February, sometimes even March, that I felt like I hit a stride for the new year.
Now, January is one of my favorite months. Full of possibility. Clarity. Anticipation. It’s also one of the most productive times of my entire year.
Today, I’d like to share why January can be the most strategically valuable time of your year, how you can cut through the fog, and develop your own personal imago – a vision of a future that will be, but does not yet exist.
Personal Planning for the New Year: 4 Steps to a Fulfilling and Productive New Year
My mission today is to get you to schedule time to reflect and plan for next year before the end of this year.
People have asked me about my process of reflection and planning for the coming year, so I want to share that with you in hopes that it might encourage you to be intentional about preparing to have a fulfilling and productive new year.
This Christmas week, I will be taking the day to reflect on the year that was and to consider the year to come. It’s one of my favorite days of the year.
The Problem with Expertise 🧐 (+your help with a research study)
When it comes to breakthrough innovation, expertise has a big problem. 🧐
I’ll tell you why, but first, I need your help – I’m conducting a national study of recurring giving programs in the nonprofit sector.
Do you know of a charity that should participate in the sustainer study? You can nominate them here.
I'll share more about the study in a minute, but let me tell you why we are conducting it and why expertise can be a barrier to innovation…
Reflections on the Journey
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as a plate full of your favorite comfort food! As we reflect on the blessings in our lives, I hope your day was filled with moments of gratitude and warmth.
Choosing Your Own Adventure 🏔️
Did you ever read Choose Your Own Adventure books? I loved – and also hated – Choose Your Own Adventure books. The concept was simple – you as the reader are the protagonist, and you get to choose your own adventure (clever name, huh?).
Don’t Miss the Most Overlooked Stage of Work ⚠️
I was so frustrated. Confused. Sad.
I was a few years into building the team, and we were growing like crazy. And “like crazy” is not an overstatement – the prior year, we had grown 277% (!). The following year, we grew another 267% (!!). Cumulatively, we had grown revenue 14X in just three years. 🤯
It was an exciting time. It was also about to be a frustrating time.
🗓️ On GivingTuesday and Other Invented Holidays
Black Friday.
Small Business Saturday.
Cyber Monday.
Giving Tuesday.
That’s a lot of made-up holidays.
For this week’s Wave Report, I thought I would resurrect and update a previous edition that I wrote last December, titled “A Case of the (Cyber) Mondays?”
The Four “P”s of Subscription Giving
The Subscription Economy has changed consumer attitudes towards monthly recurring goods and services, which has led to the transformation of donor behavior. Donors are more likely to give to nonprofits on a monthly basis than ever. Study after study (after study) shows that monthly giving is the fastest-growing type of giving today.
Subscription Philanthropy is here to stay, and the more nonprofits understand and embrace the new paradigm of monthly subscription giving, the better they can take advantage of this new wave of generosity.
The Last Netflix DVD
I’ve been thinking about obsolescence lately. Becoming obsolete. Outdated. Outmoded. But more than anything, I’ve been thinking about how there is opportunity on the other side of obsolescence. Let me explain.
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Everyone talks about catching and riding the wave of innovation, but not very many people know when and how to catch those waves, let alone understand the trends, the opportunities, and the waves as they come.
Every Friday, we send out The Wave Report, highlighting one trend or insight “wave,” from donor and consumer trends to innovation in different industries or new models for growth.
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The Wave Report: Weekly insights and trends, sent every Friday.